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See why PODS is the right choice for your move

More value for your long-distance move

Cost-effective and budget-friendly

See a side-by-side comparison between PODS, full-service moving companies and rental trucks to learn how PODS gives you the best value for long-distance moves.

Pay-as-you-go pricing with no deposits

You don't need to pay for your entire move upfront. Just reserve your PODS container with a credit card, and your first payment is due seven days before container delivery.

You set the schedule

You can take your time loading and unloading with monthly container rental. Plus, if plans change, our flexible scheduling makes it easy to adjust dates and locations.

Storage is built in

With 30 days of storage included, you can keep your things in your driveway or a secure PODS Storage Center at any point during your move.
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storage and moving truck

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Moving Boxes